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Report for the Community #71

Greetings dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic and all the fans of this game! We hope this report finds you in good health and high spirits. As you know, life in the Soviet Republic can be challenging, but it is also full of opportunities. One such opportunity is demolition. The demolition of old buildings and infrastructure can provide space for new developments and pave the way for progress. However, it also presents a new challenge for waste management.


We are excited to announce that demolition will become a new feature in our game. This feature will add an additional difficulty level for waste management, and it will require players to clear debris and process waste after demolishing buildings and infrastructure. Unlike in the past, where buildings and infrastructure would simply disappear, the demolition feature will provide a more realistic and challenging gameplay experience and it will be another optional difficulty setting for your Republics.

The demolition process will work similarly to the construction process, but in reverse order. Demolition will be conducted by dedicated Demolition Offices, which will use excavators and waste container trucks as their main equipment. The demolition office will have a range in which it will search for buildings designated for demolition and it will dispatch vehicles to the site if there are some.

The process will require players to carefully plan and coordinate the demolition process, including setting the source buildings for workers and explosives (if you wish to use them), as well as facilities where the waste must be transported from the demolition site for further processing. This is a challenge mainly because without removing the debris you cannot build in the area so you need to develop ways how to deal with demolished buildings and infrastructure fast and effectively.

For players who prefer a more hands-off approach, they will be able to use money to pay for demolition, similar to how they can pay for construction. The cost of demolition will include the price of demolition, transportation and waste processing abroad. This will allow players to focus on other aspects of the game while still being able to progress through the demolition process.


For players who want to speed up the demolition process, they will have the option of using explosives. This will make the process quicker, but the waste in debris will be mixed together, which will require more processing after it is removed. This option will require players to carefully consider the trade-offs between speed and efficiency, but sometimes you need to be fast while other time you can take your time, or you may just go for the BOOM effect.

Rail track demolition

In addition to building and infrastructure demolition, players will also have to demolish rail tracks. This process will be carried out by Railroad Construction Offices. The reason for this exception is that some of the material from rail track demolition process can be recycled and used as material for railroad construction.

When it comes to rail track demolition, we have made things easier for you. You will not have to think about transporting resources to the Railroad Construction Office. Instead, you only need to send a Railroad Builder to the site, and the resources will be teleported to the office. However, to make this process work, you will need to have a waste dump connected by a factory connection to the Railroad Construction Office. We are still testing this system to ensure everything works smoothly, and we may make additional changes if necessary.

Demolition Waste Visualization System

To help players understand the waste they are dealing with, we’ve been working on a demolition waste vizualisation system. This system will help players know what the main components of the construction waste are based on the resources used to build the structure or infrastructure that was demolished.

For example, if a building was constructed mostly from concrete and steel, the result waste will have higher concentration of those materials. This visual information can be used to make better decisions about how to process and recycle the waste.

More features and Realistic mode

Comrades, just be aware that in realistic difficulty you will not have the option to use money for demolition. And there will be another feature related to demolition difficulty and that is vehicle scrapping. No longer will you be able to simply delete vehicles when they are no longer needed. Instead, if you choose to liquidate a vehicle, you will have to pay the transportation cost based on its size. Moreover, if the vehicle is too old, you may have to pay for its removal because you will receive no money for the vehicle, but you will have to pay for its liquidation abroad. This new feature will make the game even more challenging and will add additional level of complexity.

But do not worry there will be special Scrap Yards available for your Republic, where the vehicle can be sent to be scrapped. These yards will disassemble your vehicles and allow you to recycle some of the resources. And for those larger vehicles like airplanes, we’ve even included a big scrap yard to which you can connect an airplane parking connected with airport for aircraft scrapping. It is all part of the efforts to create a more realistic and immersive experience for our players. More about this in the maintenance report.

We hope that you, dear Comrades of the Soviet Republic and all the fans of the game, are excited about these new features we have introduced. With demolition becoming a part of the game, you will now face additional challenges and difficulties, bringing even more complexity to your gaming experience.

In the next report, we will be sharing more details about the vehicle and building maintenance feature. This will add even more realism to the game and may you feel like a true manager of Soviet Republic even though such a project is not usually "One Man Show."

In the meantime, do not forget to enjoy life and have fun. Keep an eye out for more updated and stay tuned for the next report. Until then, stay safe and happy gaming.

Thank You for Your Support

3Division Team

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Ereney Sertukin
Apr 28, 2023

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Верните открытие основного меню при вызове инструмента через горячую клавишу.

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Apr 15, 2023

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Apr 06, 2023

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1. Cheap and fast construction. (wood, iron and workers)

2. All rolling stock is transported by motor transport.

3. It is not possible to dock with a conventional railway, but it is possible to dock with industrial connections.

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